The La Manche Mine is located at the head of Placentia Bay on the Island of Newfoundland. the known history of the mine dates to the 1850's Trans Atlantic Telegraph Cable, Confederate General Roswell S Ripley, JP Morgan's first major financing deal.
Historically there was a record of amethyst lined crystal pockets, one had been recorded 60 ft long.
Here are a few internationally published magazine articles on the deposit:
2024 GIA Gems & Gemology article
Along with Amethyst, La Manche is rich in many other minerals including galena, sphalerite, barite, including record of botryoidal azurite and malachite lining large vugs or pockets in the vein.
While the Avalon Amethyst is the main current focus, a number of other outputs such as silver, copper, zinc and antimony may hold future economic potential with continued exploration.